Friday, March 12, 2010

Thank You Jimbo for Serving Your Country

I just wanted to take some time to recognize and thank Mike "Jimbo" Quinlin for his service in the US Army and being a good friend to those at NOTB Snowboards. Jimbo was working at NOTB for many years before he decided to join the Army recently. He is a true snowboarder and skater at heart, and has taken time from his passion to serve his country. The store not quite the same without him, he brought on a certain energy and jokester quality to the work place. He was always helpful and informative with customers, and setup the boarders with the right gear. He is very much missed by the folks at NOTB. So Jimbo if you read this, on behalf of NOTB Snowboards thank you for service in the US Army and for fighting for what makes the US, the US. Good luck to your future endeavours and hardships in the Army. We miss you and when you get home, we'll have to shred some gnar and pound some brews.


Jimbo (3rd from the left) with his Army buddies

from left PJ Ryan and Jimbo getting high in the store

getting some air during a midnight madness session

Jimbo's NOTB tattoo on the back of his calf. Thats dedication!

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