Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mt. Snow Demo with Ride Snowboards

Alex in front the tents.

Jonny with Erin setting up the new Ride OMG with Contra bands bindings.

The guys hanging out during a beatiful day.

Nick setting up a Ride Matchete.

Here acouple picture from our trip to Mt. Snow to test ride the new Ride Snowboards. Abunch of us stayed at my place in Amherst to go ride Mt. Snow, the first day on monday (3/15) was a downpour, the weather report was showing 4 inches of snow that day. Instead it was all rain and sleet making for a slow wet day on the hill. The next day however did a 180 and turned into a great blue bird park day to test ride new sticks. All i can say is that the Ride DH with the Prorise rocker rides awsome, just enough rocker in the nose and tail to make it catchfree and floaty but not enough to make the board feel.

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