Monday, March 22, 2010

Joey Jam @ Okemo March 27th

You'll find them from New York to New Hampshire, from Virginia to Vermont, and from Maine to Massachusetts. The one thing you need to know is that Joeys are everywhere.

Well on March 27th, 2010 they will all come home to Okemo for the second annual Joey Jam. That's right, break out your best jeans, your brightest neon, and your wackiest hat. Warm up whatever you're driving and make sure to hang the fuzzy dice for the drive to Okemo. You want to arrive in full Joey style. We recommend using whatever gear you may have. If it's an old pair of skis, or a brand new board, bring it with you. This event is going to be great.

Here's how it works:

Preregister online beginning March 1st and ensure your spot. Registration on event day will be on a space available basis only from 8-10 am in the Okemo Clocktower Base Lodge. Competition for kids begins at 10 am and the adults (18+) begin at 11 am on Bull Run and awards are directly following the competition. Then, join us for an apres party in the Sitting Bull - complete with all your favorite Joey Tunes!

The Joey Jam is the world's easiest rail jam. Why? Because not everyone can ride a rail, but everyone can look like a Joey. So here's what you've got to do:

Ride a rail (actually a box) - We're going to put the world's easiest box up on Bull Run. Do a trick on the box, near the box, while looking at the box. Do something Joey like and you can earn points (20% of your total score)
Hit a Wicked Jump - We're going to put the world's easiest jump on Bull Run. It's going to be small so even the aged Joey's can participate. Do a Joey move (spread eagle? Daffy?) in your Joey costume and talk about it Joey Style to earn points (20% of your total score)
Become one with your inner Joey - Dress like a Joey, talk (‘tawk') like a Joey, know your Joey lifestyle. 20% of your score comes from your interview. I would recommend knowing specific exits on the Garden State Parkway, or knowing every stop on the Red Line T.
Mogul Flats - I know what you're thinking. "What's Mogul Flats?". Come find out. Be ready for some bumps...or not... your choice! (20%)
Judges Choice - Someone's going to be over the top on this competition. Someone will show up IN their Camaro, with their rear entry boots, with nothing but Bon Jovi on their walkman and their going to walk away with the 20 bonus points.

So why do the Joey Jam? Well, if you're under 18 we've got a ton of great Joey prizes. CD's, Jackets, Helmets, skis and boards... it's going to be a swag fest. If you're OVER 18 you can drive away from the Joey Jam in your brand new (to you) 1989 Chevy Camaro RS. That's right; winner (highest cumulative points) gets a set of wheels! You can use it as your daily driver, sell it on eBay, or donate it to a charity - if you win the Joey Jam its your car to do with as you please! As an added bonus this year Terry's Car Audio of Rutland, VT will be tricking out the Camaro with a new Pioneer CD deck, and some Efx speakers.

But remember, you must be 18 years or older to win the car - prizes for all ages so everyone can compete.

1 comment:

  1. Sick competition! be there or be square!
